Hello All,
Thank you for your Feedback and Discussion.
FreeBSD is a good suggestion but I don't want to wander away from what I know and as Scott pointed out, this is a Linux User Group ...
Also, once I get More RAM, I will want to Consolidate Services running on other machines on to the NAS.
Currently, I have 8 GB of RAM, which my reading says should be enough to support a 4 TB ZFS Pool and the Necessary Samba configuration.
At the moment, my Network copy speed appears to be limited to about 25 MB/s but I suspect that this is because my Shares are on a Windows Machine with a PCI SATA Card.
So, if the NAS can do better, I'll declare Victory ...
My reasoning for / on ZFS is pretty Simple ... the machine that is becoming my first NAS only has 4 SATA Ports, so I can't afford to Waste one on a boot drive.
For Distro, I think I'll go with Fedora, as long as the / on ZFS guide is sufficiently detailed.
Thank You All,
Sent from my android device.
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Sullivan via talk <***@gtalug.org>
To: ***@gtalug.org
Sent: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: [GTALUG] Which Distro is Best for Running a ZFS-on-Linux Fileserver.
Having read through the thread to date, I'm actually a little
disappointed at the number of linux users pushing towards a Solaris or
BSD for ZFS.
My primary File servers (4 of them) are all using ZFS for their data
## Couple of Answers to your questions
A) Disto?
I regularly run ZFS on CentOS and Fedora on a mix of SSDs and HDDs of
both the internal and external varieties. Fedora has some caveats, only
in that sometimes the kernel releases get ahead of what the ZFS on linux
team will support. And it's just a matter of waiting on a working kernel
zfs combination a week or two for them to catch up.
But frankly, just pick your favorite distro and follow the relevant
getting started guide.
B) Distro with ZFS root support (at install time)?
No distro install supports this yet as I've seen. Although the do it
yourself ubuntu guide is lengthy, but very well detailed.
Arch also support ZFS root, but their installation is all largely manual
to begin with.
## Couple of my own Questions
1) Why root (/) on ZFS, what is your use case / risk your trying to
Post by right.maple.nut via talkHello All,
Like the Subject Line says, I'm setting up a ZFS File Server for my Home
Given that I will have to go to the trouble of setting up the Distro and
Migrating the Linux Install to ZFS Root, I don't want to have to do this
too many times.
So, which Distro are the favourite for Running ZFS-on-Linux?
Also, is there such a thing as a Linux Distro that is smart enough to
give you a choice if you are willing to use non-GPL'ed code in the
Installer, so that I can just Install Directly on a ZFS Pool?
Thank You in Advance for your Input.
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Scott Sullivan