[GTALUG] [GTALUG-Announce] GTALUG Meeting on Tuesday 14 August at 7:30pm
hi--- via talk
2018-08-01 22:34:39 UTC

# Behind and Beyond Maker Festival with Eric Boyd

I'm Eric Boyd, founder of maker festival, and serial entrepreneur. I grew up on a
small farm in Ontario, and I've lived and worked in Silicon Valley. I co-founded
StumbleUpon.com with friends in 2000, and in Toronto I've been president of
Hacklab.TO, organizer of lots of different meetups (including Toronto Quantified
Self). My interests span everything from technology to economics to leadership
to gardening to cooking to travel.

I'll talk about Maker Festival, why we do it, how we do, and what the impacts
have been.

Maker Festival brings together Toronto’s most creative people and projects, in
order to inspire openness to possibilities, a sense of active participation in
shaping our world, and a yearning for a more wonder-filled tomorrow. Makers of
all types (electronics, robotics, sewing, paper crafting, glowy things, etc.etc)
exhibit their DIY work and share their enthusiasm with the public. I'm happy to
talk more broadly about technology and people.

## Location

George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre
245 Church Street, Room 203 Ryerson University



## Schedule

* 6:00 pm - Please discuss on the general mailing list (i.e. <***@gtalug.org>) where you want to go for dinner.
* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.
* 9:00 pm - After each meeting, a group of GTALUGers move to The Imperial Pub (54 Dundas St East) for refreshments and more socialising.

# Code of Conduct

We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.

We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.

The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or

We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.

Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ <***@gtalug.org>.
D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk
2018-08-14 16:44:00 UTC
Just a reminder: tonight is the night!

I like the recent trend to announcing the meetings well ahead. But I also
like a last-minute announcement for those of us who are forgetful.

Dinner? I guess that silence means Kabul Express:
(I'm open to other ideas but it is very late to redirect folks.)

| From: hi--- via talk <***@gtalug.org>
| To: ***@gtalug.org
| Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2018 18:34:39 -0400 (EDT)
| Subject: [GTALUG] [GTALUG-Announce] GTALUG Meeting on Tuesday 14 August at
| 7:30pm
| <http://gtalug.org/meeting/2018-08/>
| # Behind and Beyond Maker Festival with Eric Boyd
| I'm Eric Boyd, founder of maker festival, and serial entrepreneur. I grew up on a
| small farm in Ontario, and I've lived and worked in Silicon Valley. I co-founded
| StumbleUpon.com with friends in 2000, and in Toronto I've been president of
| Hacklab.TO, organizer of lots of different meetups (including Toronto Quantified
| Self). My interests span everything from technology to economics to leadership
| to gardening to cooking to travel.
| I'll talk about Maker Festival, why we do it, how we do, and what the impacts
| have been.
| Maker Festival brings together Toronto???s most creative people and projects, in
| order to inspire openness to possibilities, a sense of active participation in
| shaping our world, and a yearning for a more wonder-filled tomorrow. Makers of
| all types (electronics, robotics, sewing, paper crafting, glowy things, etc.etc)
| exhibit their DIY work and share their enthusiasm with the public. I'm happy to
| talk more broadly about technology and people.
| ## Location
| George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre
| 245 Church Street, Room 203 Ryerson University
| <http://goo.gl/maps/16oJ2>
| <http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/23447525>
| ## Schedule
| * 6:00 pm - Please discuss on the general mailing list (i.e. <***@gtalug.org>) where you want to go for dinner.
| * 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.
| * 9:00 pm - After each meeting, a group of GTALUGers move to The Imperial Pub (54 Dundas St East) for refreshments and more socialising.
| # Code of Conduct
| We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
| process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
| needs, interests and skills.
| We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
| enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
| collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
| could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.
| The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
| Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
| everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
| affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or
| offline.
| We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.
| Please read more about the GTALUG Code of Conduct here:
| <http://gtalug.org/about/code-of-conduct/>.
| If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
| Conduct please contact the GTALUG Board @ <***@gtalug.org>.
Stewart C. Russell via talk
2018-08-14 17:01:35 UTC
Post by D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk
Just a reminder: tonight is the night!
Wish I could make it, but I just had surgery yesterday and am in no fit
state to travel. Was looking forward to Eric's talk.

If you're all really lucky, I *won't* 3d print a model of my exceedingly
nasty (former) thyroid bits using my CT data (it comes on DVD! it
includes a viewer that works under Linux!) and 3D Slicer
… cue Jeff Goldblum saying "your scientists were so preoccupied with
whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should."

(who is on extremely strong painkillers, if you couldn't tell)

Talk Mailing List
V.P.@VArchS via talk
2018-08-14 22:57:58 UTC
Hi all,
It seems that I came a little early.
I planed my first visit to the group for today but the room that we would like to meet is under renovation.
Probably there are similar rooms that we can have our meeting.
See you soon,

- -
Vas Papadiamantopoulos
Architect (TEE-TCG)
PhD Arch, M Arch, Dipl Arch Eng

Post by hi--- via talk
# Behind and Beyond Maker Festival with Eric Boyd
I'm Eric Boyd, founder of maker festival, and serial entrepreneur. I grew up on a
small farm in Ontario, and I've lived and worked in Silicon Valley. I co-founded
StumbleUpon.com with friends in 2000, and in Toronto I've been president of
Hacklab.TO, organizer of lots of different meetups (including Toronto Quantified
Self). My interests span everything from technology to economics to leadership
to gardening to cooking to travel.
I'll talk about Maker Festival, why we do it, how we do, and what the impacts
have been.
Maker Festival brings together Toronto’s most creative people and projects, in
order to inspire openness to possibilities, a sense of active participation in
shaping our world, and a yearning for a more wonder-filled tomorrow. Makers of
all types (electronics, robotics, sewing, paper crafting, glowy things, etc.etc)
exhibit their DIY work and share their enthusiasm with the public. I'm happy to
talk more broadly about technology and people.
## Location
George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre
245 Church Street, Room 203 Ryerson University
## Schedule
* 7:30 pm - Meeting and presentation.
* 9:00 pm - After each meeting, a group of GTALUGers move to The Imperial Pub (54 Dundas St East) for refreshments and more socialising.
# Code of Conduct
We want a productive happy community that can welcome new ideas, improve every
process every year, and foster collaboration between individuals with differing
needs, interests and skills.
We gain strength from diversity, and actively seek participation from those who
enhance it. This code of conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups
collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment. We will challenge prejudice that
could jeopardise the participation of any person in the community.
The Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the
Linux community will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by
everyone who represents the community officially or informally, claims
affiliation or participates directly. It applies to activities online or
We invite anybody to participate. Our community is open.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the GTALUG Code of
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