[GTALUG] [GTALUG-Announce] In The Community
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2018-11-14 15:48:51 UTC
# In The Community

# November

## Toronto.js
JS Workshop
* Wednesday, 14th, 6:30pm
* 1266 Queen St. West Suite #6

## Hacklab Toronto
Junk Independence Day
* Sunday, 18th 2pm - 7pm
* 1266 Queen St. West Suite #6
* https://hacklab.to/archives/junk-independence-day-nov-18th/

## Serverless Toronto
Using Event Streams to orchestrate a Serverless Application
* Tuesday, 20th, 6pm
* Myplanet (Bank of Upper Canada Building), 252 Adelaide St. E.
* https://www.meetup.com/Serverless-Toronto/events/254389273/

## Toronto Perl Mongers
* Thursday, 29th, 7pm
* FlightNetwork, 145 King St West Suite 1400
* https://www.meetup.com/Toronto-Perl-Mongers/events/rhsxwpyxpbdc/

## DEFCON Toronto (DC416)
Exploring Hacked Data Services & Defending against the Magecart Gang
* Thursday, 29th, 6pm
* Bluecat, 4100 Yonge Street (3rd floor)
* https://www.meetup.com/DEFCON416/events/256240821/

# December

## Polyhack Toronto
* Wednesday, 5th, 7pm
* H Bar, 859 Queen Street W
* https://www.meetup.com/polyhackTO/events/255984757/

If you have an event to add to this monthly list, please contact: scott [at] gtalug [dot] org.
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