On Wed, 10 Oct 2018 13:09:03 -0400
"Stewart C. Russell via talk" <***@gtalug.org> wrote:
Post by Stewart C. Russell via talkI'll be sad to see Google+ go, if only for the huge knowledge base
built up there for my open source Reach 3D printer. The folks there
know 3d printers and not data retention best-practice. At the time,
Google+ seemed like it would stick around forever, right?¹
(a hollow voice intones "O R K U T ... W A V E ... R E A D E R ...")
i learned many lessons the past 15 years, imnsho, Google has become
quite evil, Microsoft is coming back stronger than before and as for
the other 'top ten' Internet monsters, none of them are any good for
society over the long term.
The most important lesson for me, is that someone has to pay for
something but that there are good ways and bad ways that things can be
paid for.
Huge aggressive and 'dominate the world' Internet companies use their
dominance in one area to grow share in other areas. They are
relentless, evil, underhanded and operate like the IRA (in cells) -
some cells are truly "good" but the cells that matter are rotten to
the core and in most/all cases the left hand has no idea what the right
hand is doing.
What I can do is to support small startup services, spread my own use
as wide as possible, support small and also pay for and offer free
services to the planet (which I am doing and supplying on an
ongoing basis and quite anonymously and with zero expectation of even a
thank you)
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