D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk
2018-08-19 15:53:40 UTC
I have sysmon on my Linux systems. It is a nice graphical tool to show
CPU, memory, and network loads. It produces strip charts.
(It also does other things, but that's not my current concern.)
When I want to figure out what's taking so long, sysmon is a handy tool.
But I think that my system's bottleneck is often disk I/O. sysmon has no
strip chart for that. I don't even know how it should be done:
- each device should probably have a different trace, just like each
processor core does
- percentage would be ideal but I don't know what that would mean. Do you
count I/O ops? Queue length? Processes waiting?
+ sequential I/O is much faster than random I/O (at least on a real
+ Large operations are somewhat slower than small ones (generally
+ output is generally non-blocking (roughly: the write goes into the
kernel's memory, queued for writing to the device, and the process
proceeds without waiting to the write to actually complete)
+ input usually blocks: the process issues a read and waits until
the read finishes before it proceeds
+ Perhaps the simplest metric might be the number of processes
waiting for disk I/O completion. But that leaves writes
unaccounted for.
Do you have any suggestions for a simple (possibly simplistic) tool to
show disk bottlenecks in real time?
On the system I'm looking at, in the sysmon pane for "Processes",
there is a column for "Disk read total" and another for "Disk write
total". After a day of running the Libreswan test suite,
gnome-terminal server wins with 3.4GiB of read and 3.9GiB of write.
I wonder what that's all about. I would not expect Gnome Terminal to
do disk I/O. As it happens, essentially all the output to the
terminal is being captured by a script(1) command (run within the gnome
terminal session). It shows 11.4MiB of disk output for one complete run,
which should be half or a third of all that has gone to Gnome Terminal
because I've run the suite two or three times since logging in.
But it is more like a 11.4/3400 or roughly 1/300.
Guess: gnome terminal reads and writes to X count as disk I/O. That's
pretty messed up.
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CPU, memory, and network loads. It produces strip charts.
(It also does other things, but that's not my current concern.)
When I want to figure out what's taking so long, sysmon is a handy tool.
But I think that my system's bottleneck is often disk I/O. sysmon has no
strip chart for that. I don't even know how it should be done:
- each device should probably have a different trace, just like each
processor core does
- percentage would be ideal but I don't know what that would mean. Do you
count I/O ops? Queue length? Processes waiting?
+ sequential I/O is much faster than random I/O (at least on a real
+ Large operations are somewhat slower than small ones (generally
+ output is generally non-blocking (roughly: the write goes into the
kernel's memory, queued for writing to the device, and the process
proceeds without waiting to the write to actually complete)
+ input usually blocks: the process issues a read and waits until
the read finishes before it proceeds
+ Perhaps the simplest metric might be the number of processes
waiting for disk I/O completion. But that leaves writes
unaccounted for.
Do you have any suggestions for a simple (possibly simplistic) tool to
show disk bottlenecks in real time?
On the system I'm looking at, in the sysmon pane for "Processes",
there is a column for "Disk read total" and another for "Disk write
total". After a day of running the Libreswan test suite,
gnome-terminal server wins with 3.4GiB of read and 3.9GiB of write.
I wonder what that's all about. I would not expect Gnome Terminal to
do disk I/O. As it happens, essentially all the output to the
terminal is being captured by a script(1) command (run within the gnome
terminal session). It shows 11.4MiB of disk output for one complete run,
which should be half or a third of all that has gone to Gnome Terminal
because I've run the suite two or three times since logging in.
But it is more like a 11.4/3400 or roughly 1/300.
Guess: gnome terminal reads and writes to X count as disk I/O. That's
pretty messed up.
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