Peter King via talk
2018-07-17 01:16:48 UTC
I'm puzzled about how to set up server certificate validation in getting
my email, which isn't surprising given that I understand next to nothing
about the way certificates work.
Here's the particular issue. I want to check over ssl/tls to see that the
server certificate is valid, and that it matches a fingerprint I have for
it. So, I know just enough to get the certificate from the server, in this
case from Google:
$ openssl s_client -connect -showcerts > ~/gmail.openssl.txt
By inspection I can see that the certificate is provided by GlobalSign. So
I do a quick check:
$ ls -l /etc/ssl/certs/GlobalSign*
Lo and behold, there is an obvious hit: GlobalSign_Root_CA.pem. So I put
that down as the certificate for the server.
Then, I can get the fingerprint for it from the same file, like so:
$ openssl x509 -fingerprint -sha256 -noout -in ~/gmail.openssl.txt > gmail.fingerprint.txt
(Getmail uses sha256 as its preferred algorithm.) I take the fingerprint
from the file and use that to certify the server.
Thing is, the technique doesn't work. First I get an unhelpful error
message saying that the certificate, GlobalSign_Root_CA.pem, gives an
authentication error. Well, okay. If I take that out of the equation
I then get told that the fingerprint is wrong, but this time at least
I'm told what the correct fingerprint is -- and if I put the correct one
in all seems well.
The example above is about gmail, but I have the same problem with rogers
and other servers. Oddly, the Office365 servers work exactly as they
Two questions, which most of you undoubtedly know the answer to:
[1] If the email gets fetched with the fingerprint, is there any need for
validating the server certificate?
[2] How can I find out what the correct server certificate is?
Peter King ***
Department of Philosophy
170 St. George Street #521
The University of Toronto (416)-978-3311 dept
Toronto, ON M5R 2M8
GPG keyID 0x7587EC42 (2B14 A355 46BC 2A16 D0BC 36F5 1FE6 D32A 7587 EC42)
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 7587EC42
my email, which isn't surprising given that I understand next to nothing
about the way certificates work.
Here's the particular issue. I want to check over ssl/tls to see that the
server certificate is valid, and that it matches a fingerprint I have for
it. So, I know just enough to get the certificate from the server, in this
case from Google:
$ openssl s_client -connect -showcerts > ~/gmail.openssl.txt
By inspection I can see that the certificate is provided by GlobalSign. So
I do a quick check:
$ ls -l /etc/ssl/certs/GlobalSign*
Lo and behold, there is an obvious hit: GlobalSign_Root_CA.pem. So I put
that down as the certificate for the server.
Then, I can get the fingerprint for it from the same file, like so:
$ openssl x509 -fingerprint -sha256 -noout -in ~/gmail.openssl.txt > gmail.fingerprint.txt
(Getmail uses sha256 as its preferred algorithm.) I take the fingerprint
from the file and use that to certify the server.
Thing is, the technique doesn't work. First I get an unhelpful error
message saying that the certificate, GlobalSign_Root_CA.pem, gives an
authentication error. Well, okay. If I take that out of the equation
I then get told that the fingerprint is wrong, but this time at least
I'm told what the correct fingerprint is -- and if I put the correct one
in all seems well.
The example above is about gmail, but I have the same problem with rogers
and other servers. Oddly, the Office365 servers work exactly as they
Two questions, which most of you undoubtedly know the answer to:
[1] If the email gets fetched with the fingerprint, is there any need for
validating the server certificate?
[2] How can I find out what the correct server certificate is?
Peter King ***
Department of Philosophy
170 St. George Street #521
The University of Toronto (416)-978-3311 dept
Toronto, ON M5R 2M8
GPG keyID 0x7587EC42 (2B14 A355 46BC 2A16 D0BC 36F5 1FE6 D32A 7587 EC42)
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 7587EC42