[GTALUG] Newegg deal on T450
William Park via talk
2018-11-26 23:57:53 UTC
Hi all,
I bought refurbished T450 from Newegg for $315.    <https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834847378&ignorebbr=1>Fast delivery.  Plastic (between RJ-45 and USB port) at the right side is broken, hinting that it was disassembled at some point.  Quick overview:
    - 1600x900 screen is ok    - all keys and ports work    - SSD is 256GB Samsung, and it seems to be ok    - both batteries (there is 1 external, so the other one must be internal) are charging to 100%, though not sure if it means "designed capacity".    - Windows Subsystem for Linux (Ubuntu) works    - Hyper-V (Ubuntu) works

It's out of stock, now.  But, there is HD version for $310.

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