D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk
2018-08-12 16:38:36 UTC
This Turing Award Winners talk is quite insigtful.
Full title: "A New Golden Age for Computer Architecture:
Domain-Specific Hardware/Software Co-Design, Enhanced Security, Open
Instruction Sets, and Agile Chip Development"
The speakers are key figures in the RISC revolution.
John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson
Note: they mean that it is a golden age for researchers. Not so good
for users.
Talk Mailing List
Full title: "A New Golden Age for Computer Architecture:
Domain-Specific Hardware/Software Co-Design, Enhanced Security, Open
Instruction Sets, and Agile Chip Development"
The speakers are key figures in the RISC revolution.
John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson
Note: they mean that it is a golden age for researchers. Not so good
for users.
Talk Mailing List