[GTALUG] (Informal Announcement) GTALUG Meeting on Tuesday (2018 Oct 8)
D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk
2018-10-09 02:42:33 UTC
The meeting will start with the Annual General Meeting.

After that, Mike Hoye of Mozila will speak on "Firefox: What's Next

Time: 2018 at 07:30 PM

George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre at Ryerson University
245 Church Street, Room 203 (second floor).

More details: <https://gtalug.org/meeting/2018-10/>

Informally, many of us will meet for dinner at 6:00 PM.
I'm not sure where. Probably Kabul Express on Dundas, just east of
Talk Mailing List
Scott Sullivan via talk
2018-10-09 03:04:32 UTC
I don't know who we got on the same wavelength, but we both posted
within a minute of each other. Cute.

Somehow, having sent the AGM call for canadites, my mind had check off
'announce for this month'. Silly me.
Post by D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk
The meeting will start with the Annual General Meeting.
After that, Mike Hoye of Mozila will speak on "Firefox: What's Next
Time: 2018 at 07:30 PM
George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre at Ryerson University
245 Church Street, Room 203 (second floor).
More details: <https://gtalug.org/meeting/2018-10/>
Informally, many of us will meet for dinner at 6:00 PM.
I'm not sure where. Probably Kabul Express on Dundas, just east of
Talk Mailing List
Scott Sullivan
GTALUG President
Talk Mailing List
Stewart Russell via talk
2018-10-09 22:16:48 UTC
So, did I miss you all at Kabul Express?
