[GTALUG] Unix approaching 50
Christopher Browne via talk
2018-11-26 23:11:19 UTC
As Unix approaches its 50th anniversary, some folks have assembled a
site where you can access amazing simulations of the early days...

This has simulations of various editions of Unix, including, it would
appear, "version 0," aka UNICS


SDF Public Access UNIX System presents ...

/~/~ H Y S T E R I C A L ~ U N I X ~ S Y S T E M S ~/~/

[a] UNICS (Version Zero) PDP-7 Summer 1969
[c] Fifth Edition UNIX PDP-11/40 June 1974
[d] Sixth Edition UNIX PDP-11/45 May 1975
[e] Seventh Edition UNIX PDP-11/70 January 1979
[f] Research UNIX 8 VAX-11/780 1981
[g] AT&T UNIX System III PDP-11/70 Fall 1982
[h] AT&T UNIX System V PDP-11/70 1983
[i] AT&T UNIX System V 3b2/400 1984
[j] 2.11 BSD PDP-11/70 January 1991

[q] QUIT (and run away in fear!)
User contributed tutorials are at https://sdf.org/?tutorials

Also worth consulting include...
When confronted by a difficult problem, solve it by reducing it to the
question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"
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