----- Original Message -----
From: "Karen Lewellen via talk" <***@gtalug.org>
To: <***@gtalug.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2018 8:56 PM
Subject: [GTALUG] Web hosting companies providing Linux shell accounts?
Post by Karen Lewellen via talkHi All,
The organization for whom I work presently has a shared hosting
account with dreamhost. Recently though they made a change that
prevents me from accessing my work shell account with the combination
of adaptive technology tools I must use.
so, I am seeking a new hosting that includes shell accounts with their
offerings, Dreamhost used Ubuntu, but I have done this with freebsd
as well.
Ideas of where to start?
Talk Mailing List
Hi Karen,
Not sure what you're looking for in technical facilities, but here are
my recommendations.
I use two (2) hosting services, one for my personal / business hosting,
and the other for a specific website hosting project, that has been
dormant for some time:
I use SG for POP3 & SMTP email hosting (personal and business), hosting
a few web pages http://aspetrie.net/ and hosting some documents for
secure FTP access by other people.
I find SG to be an excellent company. Rock-solid reliable
infrastructure. It just works (has for me). Exceptionally knowledgeable
and responsive technical support. Not the least expensive hosting
service, but worth every dollar for hassle-free and worry-free hosting.
SG are focused more on clients using mainstream tools for website
building and operation (e.g. WordPress). Not sure about shell accounts.
It's something I have had in the back of my mind to ask SG about ...
I chose EH for running my own choice of operating systems on a hosted
virtual server setup. Running two operating systems: debian Linux and
DragpnFlyBSD. Both under QEMU / KVM virtualization.
Did a bunch of prelimary work to get both these OSs up and running
successfully on EH VPSs in shell text-conaole mode. Due to other
priorities, haven't worked on this EH setup fior many months. But I keep
paying the bill becaue I don't want to lose all the work already done.
Like SG, EH is not the least expensive, but worth every dollar.
The few times I've checked my EH virtual servers, everythig started up
just fine.
I get occasional notificaiton emails from EH about planned service
maintenance / upgrades. Also advisories regarding fixes I should install
for critical security patches.
As with SG above, the EH infrastructure seems rock-solid and the
technical support I experienced was excellent, too.
For sure you can use EH to run Linux with remote shell access. EH also
have the VNC stuff for when your Linux is borked and you still need to
be able to mess around with some terminal access to the borked-Linux
virtual machine.
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