[GTALUG] IBM Acquires Red Hat for $34B | News & Opinion | PCMag.com
James Knott via talk
2018-10-29 15:36:12 UTC
IIRC, IBM had done a lot of work with SUSE in the past.


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David Ing isss--- via talk
2018-10-29 16:04:18 UTC
James, thanks for that Monday morning news link. I've added it to the
response (since someone asked on Sunday) at
Post by James Knott via talk
IIRC, IBM had done a lot of work with SUSE in the past.
Talk Mailing List
James Knott via talk
2018-10-29 16:15:29 UTC
Ahh...  You're a former IBMer.  Me too.
James, thanks for that Monday morning news link.  I've added it to the
response (since someone asked on Sunday)
at https://www.quora.com/Does-IBM-s-acquisition-of-Red-Hat-hurt-the-open-source-community/answer/David-Ing-4
IIRC, IBM had done a lot of work with SUSE in the past.
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Talk Mailing List
Lennart Sorensen via talk
2018-11-07 13:21:25 UTC
Post by James Knott via talk
IIRC, IBM had done a lot of work with SUSE in the past.
Well as far as I can tell RHEL and SLES are the two that IBM tends to
support on their hardware. So at least they do know redhat as well.
I suspect they have a lot more customers running redhat than suse.
Len Sorensen
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D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk
2018-11-07 15:59:05 UTC
| From: James Knott via talk <***@gtalug.org>
| Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2018 11:36:12 -0400

Thanks. Apparently the news broke before they had prepared the
"messaging" so RH and IBM employees were startled and didn't
immediately know what to make of it.

I spent the first three days of last week at an IBM-sponsored
conference on research partly sponsored by IBM.

It was surprising how infrequently the Red Hat acquisition came up.

(BTW, this annual conference is free and they feed you. Its a good
way of meeting CS researchers from across Canada and some from the
rest of the world. It always seems to be the week after FSOSS.)

The takeover seems to be about "cloud". IBM doesn't seem to be as big
a cloud player as they need to be. Red Hat hasn't failed here but I
would not say that it has been a great success. I'm surprised how
Ubuntu seems to have much more share than Red Hat, for very little
fundamental work.

My opinion isn't worth much in this area: it's just based on reading
random things on the web.
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David Collier-Brown via talk
2018-11-08 02:14:24 UTC
I used to work on an "datacenter as a service" offering from Sun (now
Snoracle). We made a few cubic yards of dollars from providing
datacenters for the US military to do moderately confidential
processing. Most of the equipment in the buildings, though, were
el-cheapo dells. /They/ took money away in trailer-truck loads.

IBM had and has a similar offering, and similar dell envy.  I suspect
this is a move to make a credible offering in the next few RFPs.

Amazon wants the same thing.


On 2018-11-07 10:59 a.m., D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk wrote)
Post by D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk
The takeover seems to be about "cloud". IBM doesn't seem to be as big
a cloud player as they need to be. Red Hat hasn't failed here but I
would not say that it has been a great success. I'm surprised how
Ubuntu seems to have much more share than Red Hat, for very little
fundamental work.
David Collier-Brown, | Always do right. This will gratify
System Programmer and Author | some people and astonish the rest
***@spamcop.net | -- Mark Twain