[GTALUG] [GTALUG-Announce] In the Community
hi--- via talk
2018-10-10 14:44:06 UTC
# In the Community

# October

## Long Now Toronto
Whole Earth Catalog 50th Anniversary
* Saturday, 13th, 2pm - 4pm
* Hacklab.to, 1266 Queen St W. Suite #6
* https://www.meetup.com/Long-Now-Toronto/events/254627578

Seatbelts and Airbags for Bash with Michael Potter
* Wednesday, 17th, 6:45pm
* Hacklab.to, 1266 Queen St W. Suite #6
* https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/seatbelts-and-airbags-for-bash-tickets-51177497272

## ***@RU
* Friday, 19th, 5:20pm
* Ryerson, ENG201 [George Vari Engineering Building]
* https://lugryerson.github.io/10-19-2018.html

## Free Software and Open Source Symposium
* Thursday, 25th and Friday, 26th
* CDOT, Seneca @ York
* https://fsoss.senecacollege.ca/

## Toronto Perl Mongers
* Thursday, 25th, 7pm
* FlightNetwork, 145 King St West Suite 1400
* https://www.meetup.com/Toronto-Perl-Mongers/events/rhsxwpyxnbhc/

## Hack'O'Ween Fundraiser
* Saturday, 27th, 9pm
* Hacklab.to, 1266 Queen St W. Suite #6
* https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/hackoween-2018-tickets-50801266957

# November

Blockchain, the technology not the hype with Pual Mullins
* Tuesday, 13th, 7:30pm
* ENG203 [George Vari Engineering Building], Ryerson
* https://gtalug.org/meeting/2018-11/

If you have an event to add to this monthly list, please contact: scott [at] gtalug [dot] org.
Giles Orr via talk
2018-10-11 14:35:01 UTC
I really like this new(ish) thing "In the Community." Please continue to
post them. Thanks!
Post by hi--- via talk
# In the Community
# October
## Long Now Toronto
Whole Earth Catalog 50th Anniversary
* Saturday, 13th, 2pm - 4pm
* Hacklab.to, 1266 Queen St W. Suite #6
* https://www.meetup.com/Long-Now-Toronto/events/254627578
Seatbelts and Airbags for Bash with Michael Potter
* Wednesday, 17th, 6:45pm
* Hacklab.to, 1266 Queen St W. Suite #6
* Friday, 19th, 5:20pm
* Ryerson, ENG201 [George Vari Engineering Building]
* https://lugryerson.github.io/10-19-2018.html
## Free Software and Open Source Symposium
* Thursday, 25th and Friday, 26th
* https://fsoss.senecacollege.ca/
## Toronto Perl Mongers
* Thursday, 25th, 7pm
* FlightNetwork, 145 King St West Suite 1400
* https://www.meetup.com/Toronto-Perl-Mongers/events/rhsxwpyxnbhc/
## Hack'O'Ween Fundraiser
* Saturday, 27th, 9pm
* Hacklab.to, 1266 Queen St W. Suite #6
* https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/hackoween-2018-tickets-50801266957
# November
Blockchain, the technology not the hype with Pual Mullins
* Tuesday, 13th, 7:30pm
* ENG203 [George Vari Engineering Building], Ryerson
* https://gtalug.org/meeting/2018-11/
If you have an event to add to this monthly list, please contact: scott
[at] gtalug [dot] org.
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